Boxes for Clou and Between Light & Shadow

Finally! Today the boxes for Clou - Roll & Heist Again! and Between Light & Shadow finally arrived with a delay of more than a week. Despite the obligatory post-fair cold, we'll start sending out the fair orders today.
We start sending out the Clou orders. First the people who have ordered the complete game, then all those who are missing only the box.
For the Light & Shadow orderers and those who bought without the box: at the same time I'm working to convert the rules from the version that is only usable for the printing company to a version readable and printable for you as well (redo all images in a different color space, resize without bleed and cut lines, adjust layout, etc.). But it's your turn right after that.
If anything arrives wrong or damaged please don't hesitate to write me: kontakt(at)boardgame-racoon(dot)de
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