Between Light & Shadow - Preview

Welcome to the world of Between Light & Shadow. Here you can find a demo version of the game.


In addition to the downloadable game sheets here, you will also need: a pen, a marker (to indicate your position on the map: a pawn, a meeple or simply a coin) and 6 six-sided dice (3 white and 3 black. All other colors work too).


We would love to hear your feedback. For this demo we mainly focus on three questions:

1) Are the rules clear?

2) Is the demo fun?

3) Does the demo makes you curious about the main game?

If you want to share feedback to one of the questions or have anything else, you want to tell us, feel free to write us on Facebook or send a mail to benni(at)boardame-racoon(dot)de. Thank you!

A request

We would ask you not to make the game sheets available online and not to share them on a large scale.


If you don't want to read the rules, here is a complete how to play video (english with german subtitels):

Between Light & Shadow Prologue A4

Chapter 0: Prologue of Between Light & Shadow. English, A4-Pages, full ink.

Between Light & Shadow Prologue A4

Chapter 0: Prologue of Between Light & Shadow. English, A4-Pages, low ink.

Between Light & Shadow Prologue Letter

Chapter 0: Prologue of Between Light & Shadow. English, Letter-Pages, full ink.

Between Light & Shadow Prologue Letter

Chapter 0: Prologue of Between Light & Shadow. English, Letter-Pages, low ink.

Zwischen Licht & Schatten Prolog

Kapitel 0: Prologe von Zwischen Licht & Schatten. Deutsch, A4, voll koloriert.

Zwischen Licht & Schatten Prolog

Kapitel 0: Prologe von Zwischen Licht & Schatten. Deutsch, A4, Tinte sparend.

If you want to know more about the game, click here: