Announcement for the fall

Announcement for the fall

Today I have the pleasure of announcing the new edition of Clou - Roll & Heist for this autumn. This first printed version of the game will - hopefully - be available at the Spiel in Essen with the subtitle AGAIN! and includes not only 4 exclusive scenarios, but also refined mechanics.

Preview demo for Between Light & Shadow

Preview demo for Between Light & Shadow

While we are preparing everything for the crowdfunding campaign, there is already something for you to do: to play a game! As a small preview of what you can expect from Between Light & Shadow, we have prepared a small, 2-page demo, which you can simply download and print out. All you need is a pen, 6 6-sided dice and a game figure and you can start your adventure.

Between Light & Shadow Update

Between Light & Shadow Update

After another round of feedback with a lot of test games of Between Light & Shadow, some more changes have been made. The basic game and mechanics all received great reviews from the test players. The in-game campaign also got mostly positive evaluations. However, one sub-scenario fell off a bit in quality. Of course, we couldn't just leave it at that and sat down at the design table again.

Plan for 2023

Plan for 2023

Here you can see what Boardgame Racoon has planned for 2023: the main focus is on Between Light & Shadow, the solo adventure game that is currently being finalized and will be released soon.

Between Light & Shadow progress

Between Light & Shadow progress

Between Light & Shadow is making great progress. Both in development and in testing and improving through your feedback, we have made several steps forward and have already reached the beta phase of testing. So you won't have to wait much longer until you can start Mara's great adventure. But what has actually improved?

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